V2 e Cooperative Music annunciano che il 2 settembre sarà pubblicato in Italia, su etichetta Anti, “Tassili” quinto e nuovo album dei Tinariwen collettivo di musicisti Touareg che unisce partendo dalla loro tradizione elementi di blues e rock.
Il loro ultimo lavoro, Imidiwan del 2009 ha vinto il premo della prestigiosa rivista Uncut, lasciando indietro artisti come: Bob Dylan, Kings of Leon, Animal Collective & Grizzly Bear.
Negli ultimi dieci anni la band ha fatto più di 700 concerti ed ha vinto numerosi premi come Il BBC Award for World Music ed il prestigioso Praetorius Music Prize.
Inoltre negli anni la schiera di estimatori si è allargata ed include musicisti come Robert Plant, Carlos Santana, Brian Eno, Thom Yorke, TV on the Radio e Bono solo per citarne alcuni.
Tassili vede la collaborazione di TV On The Radio, Nels Cline (chitarrista dei Wilco ) e la Dirty Dozen Brass Band.
Queste alcune dichiarazioni di star internazionali che elogiano i nostri Touareg:
Thom Yorke (Radiohead):
“The Clock was totally taken from this weird ‘Arabian festival in the desert’ that Robert Plant did. There are a couple of tracks where these guitar players from Mali play these amazing riffs. So I copied their style and improvised for 10 minutes and then just randomly recorded bits until I captured something of what they were doing.” (Mojo Magazine, UK).
Kyp Malone & Tunde Adebimpe (TV ON THE RADIO):
“We were simultaneously stunned that we’d never heard of them before and amazed at how bad they made everyone else look!” (BBC)
Damon Albarn:
“They were proper rebels, and what a wonderful way to
advertise a problem to the world: through music. You don’t have to understand the words to hear something deeper in it. It’s the mood that says it all.” (Q Magazine, UK).
Robert Plant:
“Listening to Tinariwen is like dropping a bucket into a deep well.”
Chris Martin (Coldplay):
“…so much amazing music inspired us on this record.
We listened to Rammstein and Tinariwen, one after
the other, and the middle part of ‘42’ came naturally
from that. There were no limits.”
Autore: red.
www.tinariwen.com – www.anti.com/artists/view/85/Tinariwen